What we do
NolijWork’s Process Discovery & Performance Analytics offering is a shrink-wrapped service for busy housing providers who need to improve key services, such as Responsive Repairs & Empty Homes reinstatement etc.
It generates key data insights, from a simple data extract, in order to visualise how your services really work – but more importantly, how they can be improved!
Our concierge offering is designed to exploit data you already possess, but don’t have the time or capacity to leverage
What we can help you with
Organisations often realise they have problems, but lack sufficient visibility and evidence to know where to look and what specific actions to take to improve performance.
Key internal challenges include improving tenant satisfaction, meeting SLAs, compliance with defined processes, and whether processes are even fit for purpose.
As one example of this, housing providers can face significant challenges in void management, resulting in revenue loss, property availability restrictions, and ultimately reputational damage.
Void re-letting, typically involving 50-100 tasks, varies due to property condition and tenant circumstances, leading to hidden delays and coordination complexities becoming embedded.
Our solution
NolijWork analyses and highlights the delays and bottlenecks impacting YOUR service performance, so that YOU can take specific corrective action.
NolijWork uses your existing operational data, from sources such as your housing management system to derive these insights.
Other housing providers have already successfully used this service to detect poorly performing service elements, which had remained hidden “under the radar”; highlight deviation from the prescribed processes, provide evidence for specific courses of action as part of a business case for improvement
No personally identifiable information (PII) is required.
Benefits of working with us
Organisations realise they have problems, but lack visibility of where to look and what actions to take. NolijWork’s solution uses in-house data & data science to deliver tangible evidence for specific action.
NolijWork provides the technology and expertise as a shrink-wrapped offering to help drive service transformation.
Other technologies simply do not have the ability & service orientation to “look inside” how services really work, or to take services to the next level of performance.