Digital & Data

Digital, data and tech are at the forefront of delivering better, more efficient services and homes. Our specialist lead and partners are dedicated to helping enhance organisational capabilities in these critical areas, offering insights into leveraging digital tools and data analytics to drive transformation.

Who this channel is for
Anyone wanting to improve their digital literacy, leaders and colleagues who want to understand trends in digital and data and anyone responsible for technology and data.

Current issues for members
Advancing with technology, ensuring you have the right data and attracting the talent with the skills to use it aren't easy, in an age where housing organisations have less to spend than ever before.
Then add the challenge of creating an understanding of the benefits it can bring and creating a culture that embraces the digital world and rapidly evolving tech, and it's tough to keep pace.

Delivery highlights
The digital and data channel can help with:
- Investing heavily in amplifying our data and digital capabilities and helping members accelerate their digital journey.
- Digital and data transformation to not only stay compliant, but to ensure long-term success.
- How technology can deliver sustainable benefits including cost reduction and process efficiency, coupled with increasing tenant expectations and regulatory requirements.
- Collaboration. We will educate, connect and empower members through networking, testing, speaking, visiting and sharing.
- Partnering with the best digital and data providers within the sector to continue to deliver maximum value to our members.

What’s on offer
The Digital Executive
A series of events focused on improving digital and data literacy and raising awareness of current and emerging tech.
Data Science Forum
Providing the ability to upskill both leaders and data professionals on data science techniques as well as access practical consultancy support.
Lightning pitches
Showcasing new technology and new market entry solutions, a great way to learn about emerging tech.
Covering relevant topics and themes and giving members opportunities to get input from peers and experts.
In the blink of AI annual event
Bringing members together once a year to network and discuss the key digital and data trends

DIN Digital and Data Science and Analytics Forum (DSAF)
DSAF supports DIN members looking to maximise value from their data and smarter ways to achieve it. The forum provides the ability to educate data leaders, augment and upskill existing data science and analytics teams, and provide specific skilled resources on an as-needed basis.
- Access to data science, analytics and artificial intelligence expertise.
- A collaborative space to learn and share knowledge.
- A dedicated Teams channel to share knowledge and ask questions.
- Online events for:
- leaders responsible for data who are looking to improve their skills and knowledge
- sessions designed for data practitioners including data analysts, data scientists, data architects etc.
- Discounted data science and analytics resources as and when you need you need them.
What our members and partners say about us
“One of the problems we’d had was with the amount of people applying for our homes. We had so much demand and we simply had issues with getting through the applications, talking to everyone and determining how we might best meet their needs.
"I’d attended a DIN seminar about AI and in particular, about chatbots. At the time, we hadn’t been looking at AI or a chatbot, we were thinking more about extra appointments or what else we could do.
"It has eliminated a whole area of customer admin and that means we can spend more time with the customers that need it, such as ones that can’t operate IT as easily.
"Completed applications remained at the same amount and waiting list application processing times dropped from around ten working days to around two working days
"DIN really helps you rethink and reset how you do things. It’s great to be challenged.”
Colin McCulloch, Barrhead Housing Association
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