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Session overview

Come join us and fellow DIN members for our Spring economics briefing with David Smith, Economics Editor, Sunday Times as he unpacks Rachel Reeves economics update and forecast event and examines what this might mean for the economy, business and the housing sector.

We are delighted that David has signed on to deliver these new briefing sessions for DIN members so after each fiscal event you will understand what the implications of the various announcements will mean for your business strategy.

Covering areas around:

· Tax and spend announcements

· OBR forecasts and likely future trajectories

· Economic insights to help support your future corporate planning

· Potential unintended consequences and different scenarios that may occur as a result

About our speaker

David Smith

David Smith has been Economics Editor of The Sunday Times since 1989, where he writes a weekly column. He is also a leader-writer, an assistant editor and policy adviser. Since 2016 he has also been writing a weekly column for The Times, where he worked from 1984 to 1989.

David Smith is the author of several books, including The Rise and Fall of Monetarism; Mrs Thatcher’s Economics; North and South; From Boom to Bust; UK Current Economic Policy; Eurofutures; Will Europe Work?; Free Lunch: Easily Digestible Economics; The Dragon & the Elephant: China, India and the New World Order; The Age of Instability: The Global Financial Crisis and What Comes Next, and – in 2015 – Something Will Turn Up; Britain’s Economy Past, Present and Future. He is a visiting professor at both Cardiff University and Nottingham University. He has won a number of awards, including the Harold Wincott Senior Financial Journalist of the Year Award, the Economics Commentator of the Year Award, the Business Journalist of the Year Award in the London Press Awards and Property Columnist of the Year.

Who should attend?

Any leader wanting to understand the current economic position of the UK and the implications of the Spring economic update. From CEOs, Board members, Exec and Service Directors across the housing business will benefit from attending this session.

Attendance at this session is free as it is included in your DIN subscription

Book Your Place Here
01 April
10:00 - 11:00
Free to all members