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In collaboration with

The Disruptive Innovators Network in conjunction with Bromford Group has started the largest research project yet into the current state of Connected (smart homes) in the social housing sector.

Adoption has been slower in the social housing sector than in other industries where the use of IoT devices is more widespread.

Yet enabling homes to “talk” – alerting residents and landlords alike to problems or potential problems seems an important step in providing better and more timely services.

Our research aims to:

  • Determine the motives behind, and the extent and type of connected home technologies deployed to date by social housing landlords.
  • Understand the perspectives of suppliers and residents to the deployment of connected homes technologies
  • Describe the “ideal”: a suite of technologies, architectures, deployment methods, and new business and tech operating models and to identify skills and culture changes that would be required to maximise the benefit of future deployments.
  • Assess the current market of connected home technology providers within and outside of the sector and identify any gaps.

As part of that research, we also want to understand what connected home technologies are being offered today by suppliers to the sector and how those suppliers see the market for connected homes changing in the future. We also want to understand what would have to change for the market to expand. for suppliers, consultants, advisers and academics who have an interest in this area of work.

The project will take six months to complete, we are looking forward to sharing regular updates with our members.