is a digital platform connecting social support and healthcare for a Care recipient underpinned by data to ensure inclusive, coordinated monitoring & support.


What we can help you with

We are solving for the fragmented, siloed & uncoordinated current support for older adults living alone that is resulting in poor quality of life, unsustainable costs, unnecessary hospitalizations & institutionalization. By building technology with older adults that they can use and ensuring their engagement, learning & easy communication, connecting their families, health & social care and property operators we are bringing a holistic model of support to the social housing sector.

Our solution is a digital platform that transforms communication, coordination & data collection for elder care. Simple integrated monitoring, communication, coordination & educational content available in the palm of your hand to save time, save money & improve care. By ensuring the right care & support we reduce deterioration in health & mobility, mitigate against disruptions to the life of and living arrangements of residents supported in social housing sector. This in turn improves quality and reduces overall costs.

Case study conducted a pilot at a housing association in Northern Ireland with 20 older adults.

Our results through quantitative data from our app, interviews with all stakeholders & users and focus groups gave the following results:

  • 90% of older adults could use the app, felt empowered, connected & enjoyed learning
  • 50% of family felt they had peace of mind knowing their loved ones checked in and their mood
  • Carers & property managers saved 20- 30 mins per resident in admin tasks that contributed to an annual saving of between 1200-2000 GBP

(Independent Catapult Evaluation Available by Request)
