
TellJO is award winning technology that compassionately tackles the root causes of debt and prevent crisis situations.

What we can help you with

TellJO’s wellbeing checks are an early intervention and prevention tool. We help housing associations collect arrears from late payment customers and identify causes of hardship for early intervention. 

Payback is swift. After talking to TellJO, over 75% of residents request a payment arrangement and 46% receive immediate debt advice.

Our solution

  1. A missed payment triggers a message from TellJO asking the resident: Are you ok?
  2. When they respond, we chat. In an average chat time of 7 minutes, TellJO asks around 90 questions.
  3. Using 63 indicators of vulnerability TellJO will automatically refer those identified into your wellbeing teams.
  4. Residents receive immediate personalised signposts to financial, physical and mental health support.
  5. 75% will click to enter a payment arrangement.
  6. You’ll receive reporting on a regional and individual basis, allowing you to identify support needs.

Case study - RHA

“TellJO is a brilliant tool. When a Housing Officer knocks on a tenant’s door and asks if everything is ok, the tenant may just say ‘yes, I am fine, thanks.’ Engaging digitally through TellJO has opened doors that previously were shut to us. We now have ‘needs’ data going back to 2019, that enables us to track trends and measure progress. We review the latest data every quarter to ensure that we are prioritising our resources in the best way possible.” 

Viki Morgan, RHA Wales
