
SuSy’s housing manager and tenant engagement platforms streamline the retrofit of housing stock through simplifying property assessment and selection and tenant / homeowner engagement.

What we can help you with

  • Reduce the complexity and time required for the selection of the most appropriate retrofits for different properties in order to deliver the most significant savings.
  • The difficulty and time involved in engaging and educating tenants and low income homeowners as to the benefit of retrofit in order to get them to opt in to retrofit schemes.
  • Retaining tenants and low income homeowners on retrofit schemes.
  • Communicating with tenants and homeowners on retrofit schemes.

Our solution

We streamline the delivery of retrofit upgrades to housing stock.

Our platform has two components:

  1. A platform for housing / retrofit scheme managers to sort filter and identify all properties form their housing stock, assessing the impact that retrofits will have on energy performance and EPC ratings and projecting costs per property.
  2. A tenant platform / app to give detailed, property specific projections on the savings proposed retrofits will have, educate relating to the work required, provide visualisation through Augmented Reality and allow project feedback and two way communication between the tenant and housing manager.

Case study

Feedback from Bristol City Leap:

One of the biggest risks in our Home Upgrade Grant Delivery is finding the right homes for the scheme. The eligibility and funding criteria is relatively strict and trying to get people on board has been a challenge despite knowing that the homes are out there. We have used multiple sources of data in the past to locate these homes but the Susy will filter out the more difficult to treat homes and provide us with a more streamlined data set for us to try to target to get people on the scheme.

Another sticking point is education and trying to keep homeowners on the scheme once we have qualified them. There has been a lot of negative press recently around insulation, ventilation and Air Source Heat Pumps not being the saving grace that its been made out to be. If homeowners have access to Susy as soon as they come on board, they can enter their energy bill data, details about their property and know what the cost savings could be to them as soon as they are successful with their grant application. This will in turn minimise drop out rates and our homeowners would feel informed and part of their deep retrofit process with BCL as their delivery team.
