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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris semper porttitor tortor ut condimentum. Sed non pretium libero. Cras magna ante, sollicitudin in pellentesque eget, porta eu quam.
In pretium enim nec neque auctor, non mollis nunc maximus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla a volutpat arcu, id varius lacus. Morbi non sodales odio, nec posuere nisl. Phasellus vulputate nunc id quam hendrerit, sit amet fringilla magna consequat.
Contact Us
Coronavirus update
Due to the coronavirus, we have postponed our current experiential events programme, whilst the situation runs its course.
We are working to reschedule as many of the events and study visits planned as soon as possible and will post details once confirmed.
However we have now moved a good proportion of our learning and leadership sessions online using what we believe is the best interactive platform out there to continue to deliver the same DIN experience.
Keep checking our website and LinkedIn page for updates.
Until then please keep safe and well.
'What has data science ever done for social housing' with Andrew Burgess
Is data science destined to be a minority sport or does it the potential to help solve some of housing's biggest problems?
Join the brilliant Andrew Burgess, Founder of Greenhouse Intelligence, visiting senior fellow, Loughborough University and DIN partner in our Intelligent Automation Network and:
Come away with a good understanding of whether you need to be on the data science train now or later - or both?
Discuss real-life examples of how non-housing organisations are using data scientists, the benefits they have gained and the challenges they have met.
explore how housing providers have tried to work with data scientists already and where the opportunities for AI could lie.