Stop Measuring Customer Satisfaction - DINLab Findings
About this event
Back in the summer of 2021 The Disruptive Innovators Network and Promising Outcomes undertook a DINLab with five housing providers to test out a new way of capturing tenant and resident feedback.
What was this lab all about?
Feedback from housing providers was that current approaches to measuring tenant satisfaction weren't delivering the insights and data they needed to really understand what they thought of their services.
The purpose of this DINLab was to test out whether there was a better way, in this instance using a methodology developed by Promising Outcomes and based around measuring against customer expectations instead.
What was in it for lab participants?
• Gain an understanding of the expectations-driven feedback approach and its advantages over current practice
• Be part of a peer group exchanging thoughts, insights and discoveries
• Understand the expectations of an ideal tenant relationship, how members currently measure up against these expectations and see priority areas for performance improvement
So how did it go?
Well you'll just have to attend this DINLab feedback session where we will share with you:
- What did we learn around measuring against customer expectations rather than satisfaction
- What did it confirm, what did it challenge by way of current approach
- Did we learn anything we didn't know
- Has it helped providers take a different view of the way they deliver services
- Have they been concentrating on the right service standards in the right areas
- Will they be reprioritising services as a result
We will have speakers from Promising Outcomes, DIN as well as the lab participants themselves. In addition we have also brought together a panel of sector leaders to debate how these findings may influence the future direction of measuring customer feedback. Our panellists include:
- Andrew Van Doorn, Chief Executive, HACT
- Anna O'Halloran, National Consultancy Manager, TPAS
- Bill Fullen, Chief Executive, Believe Housing
- Rob Drybrough, Regulator of Social Housing (TBC)