Spring Proptech Innovation Network

  • 31 March 2022 10:00 - 15:30

Spring Proptech Innovation Network

Our speakers include:

  • Kishore Rajendran, CTO Housing & Regional Government, Microsoft: 'Throughout the year we will be focusing on the 'Latest and Greatest Tech'. In this session we will dive into 5G to understand what benefits it can bring to development, maintenance and management of homes.
  • OS (Ordnance Survey): an introduction to UK UPRN and why this is so beneficial to social housing.
  • Mark Hewitt , CEO, iCAx and Professor Andy Ford, London South Bank University: Heat Pumps for the transition from fossil fuels and rapid decarbonisation of heating . Mark and Andy will look at technologies to help building owners transition heating away from fossil fuels and look at high temperature heat pumps and ambient heat networks.
  • Lee Reevell: Head of Innovation & Architecture, Halton Housing, will run through a high-level overview of the journey from on-premise asset datacentre to public cloud and the advantages that has brought, ensuring they have the capabilities to deliver innovation & change now and into the future.
  • Lorna Walker, Founder, Modomo - Lightning Pitch: Pioneering the use of meanwhile housing to tackle the housing crisis, with an approach around land, homes and communities

This event is free to PIN Members, its part of the membership offer.  Costs for DIN, NHMF and Direct Works members £149 plus VAT.  Non-members £199 plus VAT.

Please book your space using this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pin-proptech-innovation-network-spring-meeting-tickets-205625931697
