Service design showcase: DIN field study visit to Royal College of Art
As you know DIN is a big fan of good service design. We now we a very special offer for members to come along on our field study visit as we spend the day going inside the world renowned Royal College of Art and their service design showcase day.
This is one of their biggest events of the year and DIN members will have an exclusive opportunity to be hosted by Prof Clive Grinyer, Head of Service Design, RCA as we explore a range of themes on how good service design can solve complex societal and business challenges.
In addition to hearing from Prof. Grinyer we will also have contributions from Judah Armani, Head of Social Impact Challenge Lab, RCA and founder In-Housing records and Ellie Runcie, Head of Design, BBC.
If you’re into service design, you will appreciate that this will be an experience well worth making the time to attend.
For more details and how to book places please use this:
Places are free for DIN members as part of your subscription.
Please note: Due to an increasing number of no-shows without apologies there will be a charge of £199+vat for anyone booking who does not show up for this event.