OKRs (Objectives Key Results) - What have they ever done for housing?

  • Online event
  • 13 June 2022 10:00 - 11:00

OKRs (Objectives Key Results) - What have they ever done for housing?

This methodology is used by many companies from Google, Intel and Amazon through to Ovo Energy and seeks to address some of the issues that arise when using more traditional methods and KPIs.

In this 60min webinar, Fiona Aster, Transformation Director at Magenta Living will share their OKR story and how they have helped transform the way the business undertakes large scale projects which are pivotal in delivering the organisations vision.

In this session Fiona will cover:

  • What OKRs are and why you would want to introduce them
  • The different levels of OKRs you can have and how they map to KPIs
  • The Magenta Living OKRs and how they have evolved
  • What their governance reporting now looks like
  • What lessons they learned from implementation

If you have questions or challenges around more traditional programme management through KPIs then you will find this session both relevant and different.

The session is free for DIN members as part of your membership and places can be reserved via this link:
