DINLab Review One year on: A compliance game changer - The digital alternative to manual measurement

  • Online event
  • 15 September 2022 15:00 - 16:00

DINLab Review One year on: A compliance game changer - Digital alternative to manual measurement

At the end of July 2021, the Proptech Innovators Network and Plexus Innovation undertook a DINLab with three housing providers to explore how remote legionella compliance testing and management of water systems would work.

What was this lab all about?

Automating compliance testing is an area where housing providers want to understand more.
Traditional in person legionella monthly testing may enable compliance, but was there a better way to do the testing and management of the water systems?

The purpose of this DINLab was to test whether there was a more effective way, using automation in multiple occupancy buildings, including offices to deliver a better understanding of our assets.

What have we learnt a year later?

  • Significant savings including a reduction in flushing required, and the associated cost savings of water waste and heating.
  • How much of what was happening was invisible to the compliance teams
  • Numerous scald risks identified due to failing TMV's.
  • Saving of administration time
  • .... and lots more

If you are interested in hearing what the DINLab participants learnt from the DINLab and Phase 2 of the rollouts across their stock, well you'll just have to attend where we will share with you:

  • What we learnt around automating legionella compliance testing
  • Examples of where the invisible became visible
  • How it supports the move to net zero carbon
  • If the organisations plan to continue to embrace this technology as a result

There will also be a special offer available to those attending to use the technology in two of your buildings.

Booking link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/compliance-game-changer-one-year-on-tickets-381312163947
