DINLab briefing event: Building self-managing teams the Buurtzorg way

  • 20 January 2022 10:30 - 11:45

As we emerge into a very different world, with more remote working, hybrid operations and increased customer expectations old command and control models will not work.

We wanted to explore which new models might work for us in the social housing sector and following the success of the Buurtzorg model in the social care sector in the Netherlands we wanted to launch an experiment with DIN members to see if this approach was transferable.

The DINLab approach means you will get a chance to test out this methodology in a real-world situation to see if ‘self-managing’ teams is right for your organisation.

We will shortly be sharing the full lab prospectus so you can sign up for one of the places but in the meantime if you want to find out more you can reserve places on the briefing session and have your questions answered by the Buurtzorg team.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact our DINLab Director for this experiment Helena Moore on helena.moore@disruptiveinnovatorsnetwork.co.uk
